Welcome to your little treasure chest filled with goodies, Magic messages, information & guidance to get you started on your journey to Magic ✨
Maybe you've been feeling that things no longer feel good enough like they once used to..
Maybe life is great but something feels amiss and missing…
Maybe you've started seeing signs and repeating numbers but don't know why…
Maybe you're feeling the call of your soul, asking you to step on the spiritual path…
Maybe you don't know where to begin and all the stuff online is only adding to your confusion…
Maybe you realise or feel there's more to life than just what is visible…
Maybe you wish there was something you could check out without fully committing..
Just a bit of sneak peak to see what this path might entail..
And that's why I created 11:11 Magic 🌀
I've been in your place, when I realized that something was calling me but everything online was either too much or too little.
No clarity, just too many jargons and terms thrown around that made it difficult to even get started. Like where do I even start?
And I know the need of wanting to know what lies ahead, before deciding to commit to something… No matter how small!
So for that reason - 11:11 Magic and I are here to help you!
Everyday for 11 days, you have fun, magical stuff to read about, introspect & work on. How you want to go about it is your choice - I’m all about free will & choice. So take what you need, leave the rest. If it feels not for you - you can just stop.